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Postgraduate Students and Graduates

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Current Postgraduate Students
  • PhD students
    • AMMAD Muhammad, Supervisor Prof LING Leevan
    • CHAN Ting Fung, Supervisor Dr LAM Andrew
    • CHU Siu Lun Alex, Supervisor Prof LING Leevan
    • DONG Jiamei, Supervisor Dr HON Sean
    • DONG Qishi, Supervisor Dr PENG Heng
    • LAZZERONI JR Anthony Aurthur, Supervisor Prof LING Leevan
    • LI Congcong, Supervisor Dr HON Sean
    • LI Yinan, Supervisor Prof FANG Kaitai (UIC)
    • LIU Jinjun (PhDPT), Supervisor Prof CHENG Ming-Yen
    • NI Renyuan, Supervisor Dr FAN Jun
    • QIN Fei, Supervisor Prof TONG Tiejun
    • SU Yichen, Supervisor Prof LING Leevan
    • TANG Cheng, Supervisor Dr LIU Hao
    • WANG Jiawei, Supervisor Prof LI Ren Cang
    • WANG Sirao, Supervisor Dr YE Terry (UIC)
    • WANG Yuyuan, Supervisor Dr PENG Heng
    • WEI Jiajin, Supervisor Prof TONG Tiejun
    • WONG Kin Hang Joe (PhDPT), Supervisor Prof NG Michael KP
    • ZHANG Hao, Supervisor Dr PENG Heng
    • ZHANG Kehui, Supervisor Prof LI Ren Cang
    • ZHANG Yingqiao, Supervisor Dr FAN Jun
    • ZHAO Wenbiao, Supervisor Prof ZHU Lixing
  • MPhil student
    • GUAN Xingbo, Supervisor Dr PENG Heng
    • LAM Wing Yu, Supervisor Dr LAM Andrew
    • LIANG Yi, Supervisor Prof CHENG Ming-Yen
    • MENG Xiao, Supervisor Dr LAM Andrew
    • NING Wanjun, Supervisor Prof TONG Tiejun
    • YAN Wai, Supervisor Dr HON Sean


  • PhD
    • GUO Keli
    • LI Lingfeng
    • LIN Yuxuan
    • TAO Linlin



  • PhD
    • CHEN Xiao
    • HE Youzi
    • LAI Jianfa
    • LIU Ran
    • SHI Jiandong
    • TSUI Wing Yan
    • YANG Ke


  • PhD
    • CAO Xinlin
    • FANG Yingying
    • HOU Liangshao
    • HUANG Zijian
    • JIA Fan
    • KE Xiao
    • LIN Xuelei
  • MPhil
    • WANG Juan
    • WEI Jiajin
    • WENG Lin Chen
    • ZHOU Mingjie



  • PhD
    • GU Yaguang
    • HU Xianghong
    • LI Hongjie
    • LI Lingzhu
    • LIN Enxuan
    • LIU Ye
    • MA Shiqi
    • MA Yaonan
    • SHEN Wei
    • ZENG Yicheng



  • PhD
    • CHEN, Meng
    • GONG Bo
    • HU, Zongliang
    • LI, Siqing
    • LUO Dehui
    • MING, Jingsi
    • OU, Jitao
    • SIU, Ka Wai
    • SONG, Yongcun
    • XIAO, Jingni
    • YAN, Hanjun
    • YUAN, Huifang
  • MPhil
    • CAI Mingxuan
    • TSANG Siu Chung
    • ZENG Shangzhi



  • PhD
    • CUI Lei
    • GUO Xiao
    • HUANG Peng
    • QIAN Xun
    • TAN Falong
    • XIE Chuanlong
    • ZHAO Jingxin
    • ZHOU Min
    • ZHOU Yulong
    • ZHU Zhaochen



  • PhD
    • CHEN, Chuan
    • LI, Zhi
    • ZHU, Hong


  • PhD
    • CHEN, Liyuan
    • CHEUNG, Ka Chun
    • DONG, Kai
    • GUO, Xu
    • SHEN, Chenyang
    • TIAN, Wenyi
    • WONG, Ka Yiu
    • ZHU, Xuehu



  • PhD
    • DAI, Wenlin
    • GUO, Xu
    • LI, Xinxin
    • QIAO, Motong
    • YANG Jiang, Numerical Analysis and Simulations for Phase-field Equations
    • YUE, Hongwei
    • ZHANG, Wei





  • PhD
    • FENG Zhenghui, Estimation and Selection in Additive and Generalized Linear Models
    • LI Hongwei, Local Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Wave Propagations
    • MO Lili (UIC), A Class of Operator Splitting Methods for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) Models
    • SUN Liming, Interior Point Based Continuous Methods for Linear Programming
    • WANG Fan, Alternating Direction Methods for Image Recovery
  • MPhil
    • FONG Wai Lam, Numerical Methods for Classification and Image Restoration
    • SHEN Chenyang (UIC), L1-Norm Local Preserving Projection and Its Application



  • PhD
    • LIU, Yang, Data Mining Methods for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Analysis in Computational Biology
  • MPhil
    • DONG Hao, Adaptive Moving Grid Method to Two-phase Flow Problems
    • MA Tingting, Isotropy Test and Variance Estimation for High Order Statistics of Spatial Point Processes
    • TIAN Boedihardjo March, Topics in Banach Space Theory


  • PhD
    • LI Jianxi, The Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs
    • LIAO Haiyong, Computational Methods for Bioinformatics and Image Restoration
    • TAM Chi Pan, Signal and Image Deconvolution: Algorithms and Applications
  • MPhil
    • AU Chi Yan, Numerical Methods for Solving Markov Chain Driven Black-Scholes Model
    • LI Heng, New Econometrics Models with Applications
    • LEE Wai Hong, Variable Selection for High Dimensional Transformation Model
    • WONG Fook Sun, Full Friendly Index Sets of Cartesian Products of Cycles and Paths



  • PhD
    • CHANG Ziqing, On Single Index Model and Its Related Topics
    • HU Guanghui, Numerical Simulations of the Steady Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids
      Assistant Professor at University of Macau [Oct 2014]
    • KWOK Ting On, Adaptive Meshless Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations
    • LEUNG King Tai, Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Based on Wavelet-Estimation: Development and Theoretical Framework
      Assistant Professor at Hang Seng Management College [Oct 2014]
    • PEI Yanbo, Statistical Inference for Correlated Binary Data from Bilateral Studies
    • ZHANG Jiwei, Local Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Some Nonlinear PDEs on Unbounded Domains
  • MPhil
    • YANG Yani, Dimension Reduction in Regressions Through Weighted Variance Estimation
    • ZHANG Yubo, Moving Mesh Methods for Viscoelastic Flows with Free Boundaries
      Artchitect at NVIDIA, PhD at University of California, Davis [Oct 2014]



  • PhD
    • CHOY Siu Kai, Statistical histogram characterization and modeling: theory and applications
      Assistant Professor at Hang Seng Management College [Oct 2014]
    • HUANG Yumei, Numerical Methods for Image Restoration and Partial Differential Equations
    • LI Junjie, Some Algorithmic Studies in Data Clustering
    • WEN Songqiao, Dimension reduction and variable selection in regression
    • ZHANG Leihong, Continuous methods in optimization and its application in discriminant analysis
  • MPhil
    • LING Man Ho, Full friendly index sets of cartesian product of two cycles
    • WANG Ling, Homogeneity tests for several poisson populations



  • PhD
    • LIU Kwong Ip, Digital Net Experimental Designs, Function Interpolations using Low Discrepancy Sequence and Goodness of Fit Tests by Discrepancy
      Lecturer at HKBU [Oct 2014]
    • SUN Pak Kiu, Incidence coloring: origins, development and relation with other colorings
      Lecturer at HKBU [Oct 2014]
    • WANG Heyu, Moving finite element methods for phase-field models for solidification
    • WEI Zhanghong, Empirical Likelihood based Evaluation for Value at Models



  • PhD
    • HO Lai Ping, Complete spatial radomness tests, intensity-dependent marking and neighbourhood competition of spat
    • QIAO Zhonghua, Numerical Solution for nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equations and numerical simulations for spike dynamics
      Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University [Oct 2014]
    • XUE Yun, Non-negative matrix factorization for face recognition
    • ZHANG Quanju, Ordinary Differential equation methods for some optimization problems
  • MPhil
    • LIAO Yijie, Testing of non-unity risk ratio under inverse sampling





  • PhD
    • LEE Wan Lung, Moving Mesh Mehtods for Singular Problems in Two Dimensions
    • LIN Wensong, Circular Chromatic Numbers and Distance Two Labelling Numbers of Graphs
    • JIN Jicheng, Finite Element Methods for Some Elliptic Problems with Singularity and Problems on Unbounded Domains
    • ZHANG Yonglin, Combinatorial Design via Association Scheme
  • MPhil
    • Zhang Aijun, Majorization Methodology for Experimental Designs
      Research Assistant Professor at HKBU [Oct 2014]



  • PhD
    • HUANG Fanglun, Error Analysis and Tractability for Multivariate Integration and Approximation
    • ZHANG Zhengru, Moving Mesh Methods for Convection-dominated Equations and Nonlinear Conservation Laws
  • MPhil
    • TAM Wing Ka, The Strong Chromatic Index of Cubic Halin Graphs



  • PhD
    • FOK Chin Man, Numerical Solutions for the Navier-Stokes Equations and the Fokker-Planck Equations using Spectral Methods
    • HONG Hee Sun, Digital Nets and Sequences for Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods
    • QIN Hong, Construction of Uniform Designs and Usefulness of Uniformity in Fractional Factorial Designs
    • YIN Chuancun, From a Linear Birth-Growth Model to Insurance Risk Models with Applications to Finance
  • MPhil
    • HO Lai Ping, Application of Statistical Methods to Problems in Epidemiological Research
    • LAM Shu Yan, Advances in Active Contour Algorithms
    • WONG Mei Ning, Quasi Monte-Carlo Sampling for Computing the Trace of a Function of a Matrix



  • PhD
    • SONG Zengmin, Cycles and Coloring in Graphs
  • MPhil
    • CHENG Hee Lin, Supermagic Labeling, Edge-graceful Labeling and Edge-magic Index of Graphs
    • CHEUNG Ka Kit, Neural Networks for Optimization
    • HO Wai Man, Case Studies in Computer Experiments, Applications of Uniform Design and Modern Modeling Techniques
    • LAM Kin Fung, The Non-Linear Firing Pattern of Stochastic Neuronal Models



  • PhD
    • ZHU Zuonong, Lax Representations, Hamiltonian Structures, Infinite Convervation Laws and Integrable Deicretization for Some Discrete Soliton Systems
  • MPhil
    • TSOI Sai Hong, On a Hybrid Finite Element with Weak Kirchhoff Assumption
    • YAM Chiu Yu, Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for Bootstrap
1999 and Before


  • MPhil
    • LEE Hoi Yan, Limit Theorems and Statistical Estimation for Birth-Growth Processes



  • PhD
    • FANG Hong Bin, Some Non-classical Multivariate Distributions
      Associate Professor at Georgetown University [Oct 2014]
    • LIANG Jia Juan, Testing Multinormality, Spherical and Elliptical Symmetry
    • XIE Minyu, Some Optimalities of Uniform Design and Projection Uniform Design Under Multi-Factor Models
    • YUE Rongxian, Applications of Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Model-Robust Response Surface Designs
  • MPhil
    • CHAN Kwok Cheung, Shooting Method for singularly Perturbed Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
    • NG Chi Kong, Globally Convergent and Efficient Methods for Unconstrained Discrete-Time Optimal Control
    • TANG Yin Ping Wendy, Bandwidth of Some Classes of Full Directed Trees



  • MPhil
    • CHEUNG Chui Yee Charissa, A Domain Decomposition Method for Some Partial Differential Equations with Singularities
    • WONG Yin Yung, Enhanced Snakes Algorithm for Contour Detection



  • PhD
    • PAN Jianxin, Multivariate Statistical Diagnostics with Application to the Growth Curve Model
      Professor at The University of Manchester [Oct 2014]
  • MPhil
    • CHAN Wai Hong, Bandwidth Problems of Graphs
      Associate Professor at Hong Kong Institute of Education [Oct 2014]



  • PhD
    • CHENG Xiao Liang, Some Research on Mixed Finite Element Methods

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