School Outreach Lectures

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School Outreach Lectures

The Department of Mathematics of Hong Kong Baptist University is holding a series of school outreach lectures in various secondary schools. This series of lectures aims to introduce interesting areas of mathematics in life, improve students' interest in mathematics, and hope to cooperate with secondary school mathematics curriculum to enhance students' overall learning experience.


Contact person
Ms. Jing Zhang
Email: Jingzhang[at]
Tel: (852) 3411 2787
Fax: (852) 3411 5811




4th July, 2024 (Thursday)
鄧肇堅維多利亞官立中學 Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

3rd July, 2024 (Wednesday)
樂善堂王仲銘中學 Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
Topic: Algorithms in Everyday Life
Presented by Dr. LAU Shek Kwan

3rd July, 2024 (Wednesday)
樂善堂王仲銘中學 Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

2nd July, 2024 (Tuesday)
中華聖潔會靈風中學 China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
Topic: Workshop - Mathematics and Sound
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

8th May, 2024 (Wednesday)
保良局羅氏基金中學 Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

8th May, 2024 (Wednesday)
東華三院馮黃鳯亭中學 TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

25th April, 2024 (Thursday)
中華聖潔會靈風中學 China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

11th April, 2024 (Thursday)
聖公會曾肇添中學 SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

14th March, 2024 (Thursday)
迦密主恩中學 Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

13th March, 2024 (Wednesday)
聖公會林裘謀中學 SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

7th March, 2024 (Thursday)
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

24th January, 2024 (Wednesday)
德信中學 Tak Sun Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

18th January, 2024 (Thursday)
優才書院 G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. LAM Kei Fong

9th January, 2024 (Tuesday)
顯理中學 Henrietta secondary school
Topic: Algorithms in Everyday Life
Presented by Dr. LAU Shek Kwan


19th December, 2023 (Tuesday)
香港兆基創意書院 HKICC School of Creativity
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

20th November, 2023 (Monday)
高雷中學 Ko Lui Secondary School
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

6th November, 2023 (Monday)
路德會協同中學 Concordia Lutheran School
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

31st October, 2023 (Tuesday)
中華基督教會基道中學 CCC Kei To Secondary School
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. LIU Kwong Ip

20th October, 2023 (Friday)
博愛醫院八十週年鄧英喜中學 Pok Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College
Topic: What is Mathematics
Presented by Dr. Sun Pak Kiu

4th July, 2023 (Tuesday)
基督教香港信義會信義中學 ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. Liu Kwong Ip

4th July, 2023 (Tuesday)
基督教香港信義會信義中學 ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. Lam Kei Fong Andrew

27th April, 2023 (Thursday)
將軍澳官立中學 Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School
Topic: Algorithms in Everyday Life
Presented by Dr. Lau Shek Kwan Mark

15th March, 2023 (Wednesday)
風采中學 Elegantia College
Topic: Understand how mathematicians think using origami examples
Presented by Dr. Lam Kei Fong Andrew

14th March, 2023 (Tuesday)
地利亞修女紀念學校(協和) Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo)
Topic: Mathematics of Musical Temperament
Presented by Dr. Liu Kwong Ip

23rd February, 2023 (Thursday)
迦密柏雨中學 Carmel Pak U Secondary School
Topic: Algorithms in Everyday Life
Presented by Dr. Lau Shek Kwan Mark


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The Department has a distinguished record in teaching and research. A number of faculty members have been recipients of relevant awards.

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Dr S. Hon recevied the Early Career Award (21/22) from the Research Grants Council.



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