Conferences and Workshops

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Workshop on New Trends in Machine Learning and Numerical PDEs
18 December 2019

Workshop on Data and Imaging Science (II)
28-29 June 2019

Workshop on Data and Imaging Science
30-31 May 2019

Workshop on Multivariate Statistical Analysis
26, 29 March 2019 (photo)

IIT-HKBU Workshop on Data and Imaging Sciences
21-22 February 2019

Workshop on scientific computing and optimization with applications to image and data analysis
12 January 2019

CMIV Workshop on Image Processing
16 July 2018

2018 HKBU - NCKU Joint Workshop on Mathematical Sciences
16-18 May 2018 (National Cheng Kung University) (photo)

SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (SIAM-ALA18)
4-8 May 2018

HKBU-SJTU Joint Workshop on Scientific Computing
20-22 April 2018

The 3rd East Asia Section of IPIA — Young Scholars Symposium
17-18 March 2018

The 2018 HKBU - ISM Joint Workshop for Mathematical Data Science
9 March 2018

CMIV Workshop on Matrix Computation
15 January 2018

Workshop on Scientific Computing
25 November 2017

Workshop on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation and Balance Laws and Applications
10-11 November 2017

Workshop on Imaging Sciences
16-17 August 2017

Fast Algorithms for Nonlinear Problems for Modern Applications
6 July 2017

Statistics Workshop on High-Dimensional and Spatial Data Analysis
18 June 2017

Statistics Workshop on Data Dynamic Modeling, Computing and Inference
14 June 2017

The 6th International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations (SCPDE17) On the Occasion of Roland Glowinski's 80th Birthday
5-8 June 2017

2017 HKBU Workshop on Optimization
30 May 2017

2017 HKBU - ISM Joint Workshop for Mathematical Data Science
23 May 2017 (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan) (photo)

The First International Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MathDS)
20-24 March 2017

Gene Golub Memorial Day 2017
25 February 2017

2017 HKBU CMIV Workshop on Optimization
10 February 2017

CMIV Workshop on Linear Algebra
13 January 2017

SRCC: Joint HKBU-Wuhan Workshop on Meta-analysis and Evidence-based Medicine
6 December 2016

Joint UM-HKBU Workshop on Mathematics and Statistics
5 December 2016 (University of Macau)

CMIV Workshop on Optimization and Applications
10 November 2016

CMIV Workshop on Imaging Sciences and Optimization
13 July 2016

Joint Fudan-HKBU Workshop on Data Science
4-7 May, 2016 (Fudan University) (photo)

CMIV Workshop on Optimization
18 April 2016

Workshop on Statistical Theories, Methodologies and Applications in High Dimensional Data Analysis and Biomedicine
19 March 2016


2015 HKBU CMIV Workshop on Scientific Computing
20 August 2015

ICTS: Workshop on Data Science in Biomedicine
6-7 July 2015 (photo)

2015 Joint Taiwan-HKBU Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Education
27-29 May 2015 (Tunghai University, Taiwan)

2015 International Workshop on Computational Science and Engineering
23 May 2015 (Nagoya University, Japan)

CMIV: Joint Fudan-HKBU Workshop on Data Science
11 - 13 May 2015

Workshop on Numerical Methods for Fractional Differential Equations
23 March 2015

Gene Golub Day - Memorial Workshop
Jointly Organized by Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics
7 Februray 2015 (Poster) (Photo - Talk, VIP Dinner)

The 5th International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations (SCPDE14) On the Occasion of Eitan Tadmor's 60th Birthday
8 - 12 December 2014

Workshop on Numerical Methods and Theory for Fractional Differential Equations
9-13 November 2014

CMIV Data Mining Workshop at IRACE
29 October 2014 (photo)

CMIV Workshop on Imaging Sciences
25 August 2014

2014 HKBU CMIV Workshop on Optimization
15 May 2014

SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (SIAM-IS14)
12-14 May, 2014

CMIV: The Workshop on Structured Tensors
17 January 2014

The Ninth ICSA International Conference: Challenges of Statistical Methods for Interdisciplinary Research and Big Data
20-23 December, 2013

JRIAM: Workshop on Phase Field Models and Computation
19 December 2013

JRIAM: HK-Berlin Half-Day Numerical Analysis
2 October, 2013 (photo)

CMIV Workshop on Computational Methods and Image Processing
20 August 2013

Optimization Workshop
14 August 2013

CMIV Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications
8 July 2013

Joint Workshop on Academic Development and Research Collaboration
30 April-1 May, 2013

CMIV Presentations in ICTS
8 April 2013

CMIV Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra
11 March 2013

The 8th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP8)
7-11 January, 2013

International Conference on Imaging Science 2012 in honor of Prof. Stanley Osher's 70th birthday
12-14 December 2012

CMIV Workshop on Image Processing
20 August 2012

SRCC Workshop on Statistics and Applied Probability
FSC1217, 2:00pm – 5:30pm, 8 August 2012 (pdf)

OBTL Workshop - Dr. Gerald P. Sellinger
FSC1217, 10:00am - 1:00pm, 13 June 2012 (photo)

Workshop on Matrix Computations in Memory of Professor Gene Golub
29 February 2012

CMIV Workshop on Optimization and its Applications
9 January 2012

CMIV Workshop on Bioinformatics
13 December 2011

The Fourth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations
5-9 December 2011

Joint Workshop of Probability and Statistics
21 November 2011

Summer Workshop on Imaging Sciences (II)
29 August 2011

Summer Workshop on Imaging Sciences
26 July 2011

Mathematics Summer Camp 2011
6-8 July 2011

Workshop on Imaging Sciences
30 April 2011


Joint China and Russia Conference on Computational Mathematics
1-3 November 2010

Workshop on Computational Imaging Science
12 August 2010

Mathematics Summer Camp 2010
2-4 July 2010

Workshop on Teaching and Learning Calculus in High Schools
5 March, 2010

The Third International Conference on Structured Matrices and Tensors
19-22 January 2010

Workshop on High Dimensional Modeling and Algorithm
2 December 2009

Hong Kong Virtual Institute for Imaging Sciences and Applications (VIISA) Inauguration Symposium
9 November 2009

Workshop on Computational Imaging Science
17 September 2009

International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Scientific and Industrial Applications
24-26 August 2009

新高中數學教育工作坊 – 啟動系列一:教材與配套 (活動情況)
24 August 2009

Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Imaging
10 July 2009 (photo)

ASI Symposium on Bioinformatics and Data Mining
26-27 February 2009

The Third International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations
8-12 December 2008

Workshop on Image Processing
18 November 2008

Workshop on Tensor: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
22 July 2008

Workshop on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Computing
17 July 2008

Mathcamp 2008
2-4 July 2008

Croucher Advanced Study Institute - Mathematical & Algorithmic Challenges for Modeling & Analyzing Modern Data Sets
21-25 April 2008

Gene Around the World
29 February 2008

The Second Workshop on Applied Mathematics & Statistics
19-22 January 2008

International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods for Functional Differential and Integral Equations
December 3-6, 2007

Workshop on Solution Methods for Saddle Point Systems
October 31, 2007

Summer Course
July 30-August 3, 2007

Mathcamp 2007
July 3-5, 2007

RGC Postgraduate Students Conference on Computer Imaging & Vision
June 12-14, 2007

Joint France-Hong Kong Image Processing Workshop
February 2, 2007

Workshop on Linear Algebra with Applications
November 10, 2006

The 2nd International Conference on Structured Matrices
June 8 - 11, 2006

The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations & The First East Asia SIAM Symposium
December 12-16, 2005

International Conference on Uniform Design
August 19-22, 2005

International Conference on Statistics
June 20-24, 2005

Canada-China Workshop on Industrial Mathematics
May 23- 26, 2005

International Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Statistics
December 16, 2004

International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations
December 12-15, 2002


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Prof X. Tai has been promoted to Chair Professor retroactive effect from 1 September, 2020.



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