Department News

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  • Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.
  • Our Students Joined Startup Semester Programme in UC Berkeley. (Details)
  • Kwan Ting FOK (graduate of HKBU BSc Math and Stat) and her team received awards at the Fintech Olympiad 2022. The team achieved the Award of Merit, as one of the top three runners-up, and the Award of Distinction. (Jun 22). (Details)
  • Undergraduate student Rebekah Yu-En Chin's thesis (Final Year Project, Supervisor Prof. L. Ling) published in SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, 2022. (Details)
  • Kwan Ting FOK (graduate of HKBU BSc Math and Stat), team up with other two students received HKD 100,000 from Cyberport University Partnership Programme (CUPP) on funding their prototype. (Details)
  • Prof. L. Zhu is now in the Assessment Panel for Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector (APSF), the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong for two years.
  • Prof. L. Ling has been appointed as new Head of Department of Mathematics with effective from 21 February 2022.
  • Our Students Joined Startup Semester Programme in UC Berkeley. (Details) [posted 12/21]
  • HKBU Mathematician shares his passion for mathematics (Sing Tao Daily and Headline Daily). (Details) [posted 12/21]
  • Dr S. Hon recevied the Early Career Award from the Research Grants Council — congratulations! (Details) [posted 11/21]
  • HKBU Math Scholars, Prof Hermann Brunner, Prof Charles Chui, Prof Xue Cheng Tai and Prof Lixing Zhu Listed as the World's Top 2% Most-Cited Scientists. (Details) [posted 11/21]
  • HKBU Mathematics Conference for Faculty of Science 60th Anniversary will be held from 7-9 December 2021. [posted 11/21]
  • Dr Sean Y S Hon was invited by the Council of the Hong Kong Laureate Forum to be Moderator for Dialogue with Young Scientists. (Details) [posted 11/21]
  • Prof. M. Cheng, Dr. Y. S. Hon, Dr. K. F. Lam, Prof. L. Ling, Dr. T. Tong and Prof. L. Zhu have been awarded research grants by Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC) — congratulations! [posted 07/21]
  • Dr Sean Y S Hon was invited by the Department of Mathematics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to give a Guest Lecture for Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents. Details [posted 08/21]
  • Prof. Raymond Honfu Chan, Chair Professor of City University of Hong Kong will deliver a Distinguished Lecture on 30 Jun 2021. [posted 05/21]
  • Six MATH colleagues received the Long Service Award 2021. The recipients were Dr. SUN Pak Kiu (10 Years), Dr. TONG Tiejun (10 Years), Prof. LING Leevan (15 Years), Dr. PENG Heng (15 Years), Prof. ZHU Lixing (15 Years) and Ms. CHUI Claudia (photo 1, photo 2) (40 Years). — congratulations! [posted 03/21]
  • Prof. Qiang Du, Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics, Columbia University will deliver a Distinguished Lecture on 28 April 2021. [posted 03/21]
  • Prof. Antonin Chambolle, Research director at CNRS, with CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique will deliver a Distinguished Lecture on 21 April 2021. [posted 03/21]
  • Prof. Andrew Stuart, Bren Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Caltech will deliver a Distinguished Lecture on 21 April 2021. [posted 03/21]
  • HKBU Virtual Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science will be held from 20-23 April 2021. [posted 02/21]
  • Dr Sean Y S Hon was invited by the Council of the Hong Kong Laureate Forum to be a Guest Speaker and Judging Panellist for "Tomorrow's Scientists Exploration Camp". Details [posted 01/21]
  • Prof. Chi-Wang Shu, Theodore B. Stowell University Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University will deliver a Distinguished Lecture on 10 March 2021. [posted 01/21]
  • Prof. Alfred Hero, John H. Holland Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan will deliver a Distinguished Lecture on 3 February 2021. [posted 01/21]
2010 and before

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We are proud to be one of the most active mathematical and statistical research Departments in Hong Kong.


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