
Home > Research > Grants
  • 2023
    • Chiu, S. N., RMGS 2023-15-07, HK$4,991,758
      Computational Statistics for Spatio-temporal Data with a Discretized Background Population Density
    • Fan, J., GRF HKBU12302923, HK$877,079
      Approximation analysis of outcome weighted learning by convolutional neural networks
    • Hou, L., NSFC Young Scientists Fund, CNY300,000
      Theory, algorithms and applications of orthogonality constrained trace-fractional optimization
    • Lam, K. F., GRF HKBU 12302023, HK$866,032
      Thermoelasticity with phase transitions for 4D printing: diffuse interface models and mathematical analysis
    • Ling, L., RMGS 2023-15-06, HK$4,991,758
      Physics-Informed Regression and PDE Solvers
    • Liu, H., ECS HKBU 22302123, HK$700,813
      Novel Models and Efficient Methods for Surface Reconstruction and Fairing
    • Tang, X., GRF HKBU 15303423, HK$602,971
      New Methods for Solving Nonconvex and Singular Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems via Polynomial Optimization
    • Tong, T., GRF HKBU 12300123, HK$694,599
      Statistical inference for inverse binomial proportion and dependent p-values
    • Xu, Y. D., RMGS 2023-16-09, HK$500,000
      Integrating Data Analytics and Discourse Studies for Smart Real Estate Investment Decisions in Hong Kong
    • Zhou, L., ECS HKBU 22303123, HK$804,378
      High dimensional inference via kernel convolution smoothing
    • Zhou, L., NSFC Young Scientists Fund, CNY300,000
      Estimation and Inference for High Dimensional Heteroscedastic Regression Models

  • 2022
    • Cheng, M., GRF/ECS HKD$783,000
      Statistical modeling and inference for multivariate functional responses
    • Chiu, S. N., RMGS 2022-11-08, HKD$4,998,157
      AI-powered recommender in adaptive personalized learning for community engagement group project
    • Hon, Y. S., Start-up Grant Tier 2 (RC-OFSGT2-20-21-SCI-005), HK$320,000
      A Fast Iterative Method for Optimal Control Problems with PDE Constraints
    • Lam, K. F., Start-up Grant Tier 2 (RC-OFSGT2-20-21-SCI-006), HK$320,000
      Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Phase Field Tumor Models
    • Lam, K. F., GRF/ECS HKD$738,110
      Phase field modeling, calibration and experimental design for Stereolithography in 3D printing
    • Li, R. C., GRF/ECS HKD$783,000
      Nonlinear Eigen-Approach for Optimization on Stiefel Manifolds Arising from Machine Learning
    • Liu, H., NSFC Young Scientists Fund RMB$300,000
      Data-driven PDE learning
    • Ling, L., GRF/ECS HKD$741,520
      Kernel-based hybrid methods for convection-dominated equations on surfaces
    • Ling. L., RMGS 2022-11-09, HKD$4,998,157
      Meshfree approximations for high dimensional manifolds and machine learning
    • Peng, H., GRF/ECS HKD$600,200
      Applications of Determining the number of mixture components in Multiple Change-Point Detection and Mixture of the Experts System

  • 2021
    • Cheng, M., GRF 12302621, HK$598,015
      Statistical modeling for nonstationary time series and functional time series with dynamical periodic structures and covariate effects
    • Hon, Y. S., ECS 22300921, HK$951,823
      Preconditioning for Toeplitz-like Systems in Evolutionary Differential Equations
    • Hon, Y. S., Startup Allowance for Croucher Study Awards Recipients, HKD$500,000
      A Fast Iterative Method for Ill-conditioned Toeplitz Systems
    • Hon, Y. S., RMGS 2021_8_01, HKD$250,000
      A Fast Iterative Method for Ill-conditioned Toeplitz Systems
    • Lam, K. F., GRF 12300321, HK$391,015
      Optimising the design of support structures in additive manufacturing with phase fields
    • Ling, L., GRF 12301021, HK$598,015
      An intrinsic formulation for radial basis function finite difference methods of partial differential equations on manifolds
    • Peng, H., Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas (IG-FNRA) (RC-FNRA-IG/20-21/SCI/05), HKD$812,332.94
      Statistical inference for the imbalanced data and its application to bond default data and human blood pressure data
    • Tong, T., GRF 12303421, HK$598,015
      Developing new models and methods for meta-analysis
    • Tong, T., Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas (IG-FNRA) (RC-FNRA-IG/20-21/SCI/03), HK$638,604.82
      New developments in meta-analysis with very few studies and their application in studies on work environment and nurses' mental health
    • Zhu, L., GRF 12303921, HK$502,923
      Model Checking for Parametric Ordinary Differential Equations Systems


  • 2020
    • Cheng, M., GRF HKBU12304120, HK$599,861, 01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
      Essence codings in functional linear regression: identification, interpretation and application
    • Fan, J., GRF HKBU12303220, HK$599,861, 01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
      Learning theory of outcome weighted schemes and related topics
    • Kwok, F., GRF HKBU12300720, HK$599,861
      Domain decomposition based nonlinear preconditioning for optimal control problems
    • Lam, K. F., GRF HKBU14303420, HK$555,754, 01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
      Modelling and analysis of diffuse interface models for two-phase micropolar fluid flows
    • Liao, L., GRF HKBU12300920, HK$396,967, 01 December 2020 - 31 May 2023
      Neurodynamical Approach for Optimization Problems with Partial Orthogonality Constraints in Supervised Learning
    • Ling, L., GRF HKBU12301520, HK$576,337, 01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
      Kernel-based approximation methods for curvatures estimations and applications on raw point clouds
    • Tai, X. C., Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas (IG-FNRA) (RC-FNRA-IG/19-20/SCI/01), HKD$1,000,000
      Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image and Data Analysis
    • Wu, W., GRF HKBU12300520, HK$576,337, 01 September 2020 - 31 August 2023
      Mathematical framework for hyperbolic metamaterial
    • Wu, W., Start-up Grant Tier 2 (RC-SGT2/19-20/SCI/005), HK$268,808
      Mathematical framework on elastic wave propagation in diverse medium and interface reconstruction
    • Zhu, L., GRF HKBU12302720, HK$529,289, 01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
      Estimation of conditional M-quantile treatment effect
    • Zhuang, L., NSFC - Young Scientists Fund, RMB$240,000

  • 2019
    • Fan, J., GRF HKBU12301619, 172944, HK$502,444, 01 September 2019 - 31 August 2022
      Weighted Tubal Decompositions for Tensors with Applications in Image Processing
    • Fan, J., GRF HKBU12302819, 172952, HK$332,261, 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
      Analysis of kernel-based learning and testing schemes for large-scale data
    • Liao, L., GRF HKBU12302019, 172946, HK$332,261, 01 September 2019 - 31 August 2022
      Interior Point Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Linearly Constrained Convex Programming
    • Wu, W., GRF HKBU12302219, 172948, HK$421,405, 01 September 2019 - 31 August 2022
      Computational Methods for Inverse Scattering Problems with Incomplete Data
    • Lam, K. F., GRF HKBU14302319, HK$502,444, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2022
      On Cahn-Hilliard Models with Singular Potentials and Source Terms
    • Ling, L. , GRF HKBU12301419, 172940, HK$332,261, 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
      On the Asymptotics of Least-squares Kernel Collocation Methods
    • Liu, H., GRF HKBU12302919, 172954, HK$502,444, 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
      Mathematical and computational studies of geomagnetic anomaly detections
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU12300519, HK$332,261, 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
      Preconditioning Methods for Inverse Source Problem in Fractional Diffusion Equations
    • Tai, X. C., ANR/RGC Joint Research Scheme (A-HKBU203/19), HKD$1,851,780
      ALLOWAP: Algorithms for large-scale optimization of wave propagation problems
    • Tai, X., GRF HKBU12300819, 172936, HK$502,444, 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
      Efficient Splitting And Preconditioning Algorithms For Total Variation And Elastica Energy Minimization For Variational Image Processing And Computer Vision
    • Tai, X. C., NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme (N_HKBU214/19), HKD$1,177,667
      Mathematical modeling and analysis of deep neural networks for solving structured differential and integral models
    • Zhu, L., GRF HKBU12303419, 172960, HK$502,444, 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
      Order determination for large dimensional matrices and its application

  • 2018
    • Chui, C. K-T., GRF HKBU12303218, 172840, HK$684,585, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2021
      Decomposition and analysis of massive point-sources in motion
    • Fan, J., GRF HKBU22303518, 174132, HK$446,678, 01 September 2018 - 31 August 2021
      Mathematical analysis of kernel based modal regression schemes
    • Kwok, F., GRF HKBU12301018, 172828, HK$456,452, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2021
      Adaptive Pipelining Methods for Parallel-in-Time Integration
    • Lam, K. F., GRF HKBU14302218, HK$406,681.31, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2021
      Mathematical Studies of a Phase Field Approach to Shape Optimization
    • Ling, L., GRF HKBU12303818, 172846, HK$456,452, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2021
      Meshfree Methods for Coupled Bulk-Surface Problems
    • Liu, H., GRF HKBU12301218, HK$304,301, 01 September 2018 - 03 March 2020
      Mathematical analysis on scattering from corner singularities, inverse shape problems and geometric structures of transmission eigenfunctions
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU12300218, 172824, HK$456,452, 01 January 2019 - 11 September 2019
      Orthogonal Non-negative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications
    • Peng, H., GRF HKBU12303618, HK$456,452, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2021
      Trade-offs between Statistical Efficiency and Complexity of Computation by Discretization and Partial Consistency
    • Tong, T., GRF HKBU12303918, 172848, HK$456,452, 01 December 2018 - 30 November 2021
      Some new developments in hypothesis testing for high-dimensional data
    • Wang, Y., GRF HKBU12301418, 172832, HK$304,301, 01 September 2018 - 05 October 2020
      Eigenvalue Problems for Wave Equations with Applications in Invisibility and Inverse Scattering
    • Zhang, J., GRF HKBU12303318, 172842, HK$304,301, 01 August 2018 - 13 January 2019
      Linear convergence of the (randomized block coordinate) proximal gradient methods via variational analysis
    • Zhu, L., GRF HKBU12302818, 172838, HK$651,273, 01 January 2019 - 31 December 2021
      Model checking for regressions: local smoothing-based tests with global smoothing features

  • 2017
    • Chui, C., GRF HKBU12300917, 172652, HK$708,430, 1 October 2017 - 30 September 2020
      Data-driven Atomic Decomposition by Getting Around the Uncertainty Barriers
    • Kwok, F., GRF HKBU12301817, 172744, HK$472,351, 01 January 2018 - 31 December 2020
      Space-time B-methods for the integration of nonlinear parabolic PDEs with blow-up
    • Ling, L., GRF HKBU12301917, 172746. HK$314,900, 01 January 2018 - 31 December 2020
      Meshfree methods for parabolic equations based on weighted least-squares
    • Liu, H., GRF HKBU12302017, 172748, HK$314,900, 01 January 2018 - 03 March 2020
      Some theoretical and numerical studies for inverse problems in wave propagations
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU12200317, 172732, HK$472,351, 01 January 2018 - 11 September 2019
      Nonlinear Toeplitz-like Matrix Systems in Image Restoration
    • Ng, M., Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) HKD$2.07M
    • Pang, A., GRF HKBU22300017, 174124, HK$547,336, 01 January 2018 - 30 June 2021
      Markov Chains driven by Permuted and Hyperoctahedral Descent Operators on Combinatorial Hopf Algebras
    • Tong, T., NSFC RMB 480,000, January 2017 - December 2020
      Difference-based methods in statistics and their wide applications
    • Tong, T., Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) HKD$376,960
    • Wang, Y., NSFC Young Scientists Fund, RMB180,000, January 2017 - December 2019
    • Yang, C., GRF HKBU12301417, HK$472,351, 01 January 2018 - 31 December 2020
      A unified framework for exploring genetic architecture of human complex phenotypes using summary statistics
    • Yuan, X., GRF HKBU12300317, HK$314,900, 1 October 2017 - 30 September 2020
      Splitting Algorithms via Positive-Indefinite Proximal Regularization for Convex Programming
    • Zhang, J., NSFC Young Scientists Fund, RMB180,000, January 2017 - December 2019
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HKBU12301717, 172742, HK$472,351, 01 January 2018 - 31 December 2020
      Thresholding double ridge ratio criteria for order determination and their applications

  • 2016
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HKBU12317616 32-16-176, HK$410,37101, 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2019
      Analysis of multivariate spatial point patterns
    • Kwok, W. H. F., SCI-2015-NSFC-001 RMB216,000, January 2016-December 2018
      Optimized Schwarz Based Nonlinear Preconditioning for Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs
    • Kwok, W. H. F., PROCORE-France/HK Joint Research Scheme 2015/16 (F-HKBU202/15) HKD$53,200, January 2016 - December 2017
      Time-Parallelization Methods for Control
    • Li, Y., GRF HKBU12328416 32-16-284, HK$ 488,501, 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2019
      The index theorem for subelliptic operators on contact manifolds -- A heat kernel approach
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF HKBU12319816 32-16-198, HK$326,811, 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2019
      Neurodynamical Approach for Linearly Constrained Convex Programming
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU12306616 32-16-066, HK$727,647, 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2019
      Sparse Multilinear PageRank: Formulation, Algorithm and Analysis
    • Wang, Y., GRF HKBU12328516 32-16-285, HK$488,501, 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2019
      Super-resolution imaging through inverse scattering problems
    • Yang, C., GRF HKBU12316116 32-16-161, HK$488,501, 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2019
      When EM meets Boosting: theoretical properties and real applications
    • Yang, C., SCI-2015-NSFC-011 RMB 246,000, January 2016-December 2018
    • Yuan, X., GRF HKBU12313516 32-16-135, HK$488,501 1 December 2016 - 31 December 2019
      Block-wise Splitting Methods for Convex Programming
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HKBU12328916 32-16-289, HK$326,811, 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2019
      Nonparametric generalized likelihood ratio test and significant testing for regressions: dimension reduction approaches


  • 2015
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HKBU12301215 32-15-312, HK$451,255, 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018
      Asymptotic Methods for Spatial Point Processes
    • Kwok, F., GRF HKBU22300115 32-15-001, HK$587,700, 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2018
      Time Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems
    • Li, Y., GRF HKBU12303515 32-15-135, HK$451,255, 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2018
      Heat Kernel Asymptotics for Hormander Type Operators
    • Liu, H., GRF HKBU12302415 32-15-324, HK$631,972, 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2018
      Uniqueness, Reconstruction Algorithms and Invisibility Cloaking for Inverse Scattering Problems
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU12302715 32-15-327, HK$631,972, 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018
      Block Laplacian Matrices, Spectral Clustering and Eigendecomposition
    • Peng, H., GRF HKBU12302615 32-15-326, HK$451,255, 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018
      Revisiting the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test and its Related Nonparametric Regression Inference Problems
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU12301214 32-14-312, HK$621,836, 1 January 2015 - 31 December 2017
      Preconditioners for Diagonal-times-Toeplitz Matrices in Fractional Diffusion Equations
    • Yang, C., GRF HKBU22302815 32-15-028, HK$587,700, 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2018
      Statistical Methods for Integrative Analysis of Genomic Data
    • Yuan, X., Collaborative Research Fund of NSFC-RGC Joint Grant, HK$1,100,000, Jaunary 2015 - December 2018
      Sparse Optimization: Algorithm and Theory
    • Yuan, X., GRF HKBU12300515 32-15-305, HK$631,972, 1 November 2015 - 31 October 2018
      Further Algorithmic Study on Saddle Point Problems
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HKBU12303115 32-15-331, HK$451,255, 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018
      Sufficient Dimension Reduction with Mixture Multivariate Skew-Elliptical Distributions
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HKBU12303214 32-14-332, HK$439,150, 1 January 2015 - 31 December 2017
      Adaptive Model Checking for Regressions

  • 2014
    • Brunner, H., GRF HKBU12300014 32-14-300, HK$614,810, 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2018
      Computational Solution of Nonlinear Integro-differential Equations
    • Ling, L., GRF HKBU12304114 32-14-341, HK$614,810, 1 January 2015 - 31 December 2017
      Error-Optimal Methods for PDEs Arise from Meshless Theories
    • Ngan, H., GRF HKBU12201814 32-14-218, HK$470,894, 1 October 2014 - 31 March 2017
      Automatic Incident Classification for Large-Scale Traffic Data
    • Tang, T., GRF HKBU12301614 32-14-316, HK$900,258, 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2017
      Stability Studies of Numerical Approximations to the Allen-Cahn Equation
    • Wu, X., GRF HKBU12302414 32-14-024, HK$292,737, 1 October 2014 - 30 September 2016
      Stability Analysis of Local Artificial Boundary Conditions for Some Time Dependent Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
    • Yuan, X., Collaborative Research Fund of Research Grants Council in Hong Kong, HK$3,277,200, June 2014 - June 2017
      Cost effective and survivable wide-area topology of telecommunication cabling
    • Yuan, X., GRF HKBU12302514 32-14-325, HK$900,258, 1 November 2014 - 31 October 2017
      Strictly Contractive Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Methods for Convex Optimization
    • Zeng, T., GRF HKBU12302714 32-14-327, HK$971,433, 1 December 2014 - 31 May 2017
      Variational Models in Image Segmentation: Theoretical Issues and Applications

  • 2013
    • Brunner, H., GRF HKBU200113 32-13-001, HK$592,987, 1 January 2014 - 30 June 2017
      Theory and Numerical Analysis of Quenching in Nonlinear Volterra Equations
    • Li, Y., GRF HKBU201513 32-13-015, HK$592,987, 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2016
      Heat Kernels for High Step Subelliptic Operators
    • Ling, L., GRF HKBU201813 32-13-018, HK$592,987, 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2016
      Convergence Theories and Adaptive Algorithms for Kansa Methods
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU202013 32-13-020, HK$592,987, 1 September 2013 - 31 August 2016
      A Variational Histogram Equalization Method for Image Contrast Enhancement
    • Shiu, W. C., GRF HKBU202413, HK$395,268, 1 October 2013 - 30 September 2015
      Normalized Laplacian Spectrum of Graphs
    • Tang, T., GRF HKBU202813 32-13-028, HK$868,303, 1 September 2013 - 31 August 2016
      Adaptive Time-stepping Methods for Phase Field Simulations
    • Tong, T., NSFC RMB 600,000, January 2013 - December 2016
      Nonparametric and semiparametric quantile regression model and its application
    • Yuan, X, GRF HKBU203613 32-13-036, HK$592,987, 01 December 2013 - 30 November 2016
      Convergence Rate Analysis for Splitting Methods
    • Zeng, T., NSFC (11271049/A0117) RMB$600,000, January 2013 - December 2016
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HKBU2040/13P, HK$565,000, 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2015
      Some Hypothesis Testing Problems with High-dimensional Data

  • 2012
    • Brunner, H., GRF HKBU200212, HK$700,000, 1 December 2012 - 30 November 2015
      Error Analysis of Time-Stepping Methods for Integro-Differential Equations
    • Peng, H., GRF HKBU202012 32-12-020, HK$700,000, 1 January 2013 - 30 June 2016
      Determination of the order of finite mixture model and its applications
    • Ng, M., GRF HKBU201812, HK$700,000, 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2015
      Non-Negative Tensor Based Computation for Analyzing Large-Scale and Multi-Relational Data
    • Tang, T., Collaborative Research Fund of NSFC-RGC Joint Grant, HK$1,004,783
      Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Computing of Complex Fluids
    • Tang, T., GRF N_HKBU204/12 HK$1004783, 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2016
      Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Computing of Complex Fluids
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HKBU2041/12P, HK$594,400, 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2014
      Some Model-independent Parameter-based Estimation Methods

  • 2011
    • Brunner, H., GRF 200211, HK$661,250, 1 October 2011 - 30 September 2014
      Numerical Analysis of Volterra Integral Equations with Highly Oscillatory Kernels
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF 201611, HK$576,312, 1 September 2011 - 31 August 2014
      Interior point based continuous methods for linear programming
    • Tang, T., GRF 202611, HK$1,063,753, 1 September 2011 - 31 August 2014
      Numerical methods for hyperbolic problems with uncertainty
    • Tong, T., GRF HKBU202711, HK$433,333, 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2013
      Shrinkage-based classification methods for analyzing high-dimensional data
    • Zeng, T., GRF HKBU211911, HK$865,800, 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2014
      Variational models for Poisson noise removal and deblurring
    • Yuan, X., GRF 203311, HK$609,600, 1 December 2011 - 30 November 2014
      Splitting methods for separable convex programming


  • 2010
    • Brunner, H., GRF 200210, HK$655,700, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2013
      The Numerical Solution of Volterra Functional Differential Equations with State-Dependent Delays
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF 200710, HK$655,700, 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2013
      Anisotropy, local interaction and distortions in spatial processes
    • Don, W. S., GRF 200910, HK$945,000, 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2013
      High order methods for high speed flow instabilities and the Optimal Replacement Variables technique for system reduction
    • Liu, K. I., Teaching Development Grant (TDG/0910/OCT/01) HK$115,200, 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2010
      Development of Web Application and Tutorial Videos for Statistics Students
    • Peng, H., GRF 201610, HK$466,700, 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2012
      Statistical Inference for Generalized Varying Coefficient Models
    • Qiao, Z., GRF 201710, HK$544,640, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2012
      Moving mesh methods for reaction-diffusion systems on growing domains
    • Tang, T., GRF 202010, HK$655,700, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2013
      Numerical schemes for Euler equations on unstructured grids
    • Yuan, X., GRF 202610, HK$655,700, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2013
      Numerical algorithms for some low-rank-driven optimization problems
    • Zeng, T., GRF 211710, HK$511,200, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2013
      Multiplicative denoising and deblurring
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF 202810, HK$466,700, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2012
      Asymptotically more efficient estimations for the generalized linear model and the single-index model

  • 2009
    • Don, W. S., GRF 200909, HK$590,000, 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2012
      High Order Numerical Methods for Shock-Particle Laden Flows
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF 201409, HK$590,000, 1 September 2009 - 31 August 2012
      The optimization approach for large-scale sparse feature reduction
    • Ling, L., GRF 201509, HK$486,000, 1 September 2009 - 31 August 2011
      Regularization method for detecting corrosion in pipelines
    • Ling, L., Teaching Development Grant (TDG/0809/DEC/01) HK$200,000, 1 March 2009 - 28 February 2010
      New 3-3-4 Curriculum Development "Personal Finance with Symbolic Computations"
    • Peng, H., GRF 201809, HK$486,000, 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2011
      Semiparametric modeling under monotonic constraint
    • Tang, T., GRF 202409, HK$1,167,076, 1 September 2009 - 31 August 2012
      Spectral postprocessing for differential equations: numerics and analysis
    • Tang, T., Tong, C. S., Shiu, W. C., Chan, W. H. and Liu, K. I., The Partnership Scheme with Subject-related Organizations for the Implementation of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum, Education Bureau, HKSAR, HK$425,600, May 2009 - April 2011
      Resources Sharing Platforms for the New Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum
    • Yuan, X., GRF 203009, HK$312,000, 1 September 2009 - 31 August 2011
      The variational inequality approach to solving large-scale matrix optimization problems
    • Zeng, T., GRF 203109, HK$312,000, 1 September 2009 - 31 August 2011
      Study on Dictionary Based Total Variation Model for Image Restoration
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF 203409, HK$416,000, 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2011
      On Inference and Variable Selection for Semiparametric Models with High Dimensional Predictors

  • 2008
    • Ling, L., GRF HK$293,700, 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2010
      Convergence Analysis for Meshless Unsymmetric Collocation Method with Multiscale Property
    • Ng, M., GRF HK$293,700, 1 January 2009 - 31 December 2011
      Efficient Total Variation Minimization Models and Image Restoration Applications
    • Tang, M. L., GRF HK$468,165, 1 January 2009 - 31 December 2010
      Epidemiological and Public Health Surveys With Sensitive Questions: Non-Randomized Response Approach and Exact Unconditional Method
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$572,880, 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2011
      Spectral Methods for Functional Differential Equations and Integral Equations

  • 2007
    • Chan, W. H., GRF HK$456,000, 1 November 2007 - 31 October 2009
      Fast Computation of the Generalized BWT on Limited-Order Contexts: Algorithms and Applications
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HK$267,000, 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009
      Directionality Tests and Support Estimation for Spatial Point Processes
    • Hermann, B., GRF HK$445,000, 1 September 2007 - 31 August 2010
      Numberical Analysis of Volterra Functional Integro-differential Equations
    • Peng, H., GRF HK$399,840, 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009
      Partial Consistency and Its Application to Mixed Effect Models
    • Shiu, W. C., GRF HK$$392,000, 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009
      Study on Some Properties On Domination In Graphs
    • Tang, M. L., GRF HK$568,016, 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009
      Some Important Applications of Exact Unconditional Methods for Equivalence Trials
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$267,000, 1 September 2007 - 31 August 2010
      Adaptive Grid Methods For Incompressible Multi-Fluid Flows In Three Space Dimensions
    • Wu, X., GRF HK$267,000, 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2010
      Nonlinear Artificial Boundary Conditions --The Numerical Solution of Some Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems In Unbounded Domains
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HK$356,000, 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009
      Statistical Inferences for Varying Coefficient Mixed Effects Models with Nonparametric Distribution

  • 2006
    • Zhang, S. P., Chiu, T. W. and Chiu, S. N, Health and Health Services Research Fund, HK$470,175, Nov 2006 – Oct 2008
      A randomized controlled trial of the long-term efficacy of electroacupuncture for chronic neck pain
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF HK$557,690, 1 September 2006 - 31 August 2009
      Implicit Complementarity Problems - Applications and Algorithms
    • Shiu, W. C., GRF HK$250,000, 1 January 2007 - 31 December 2008
      The Study on Some Spectral Properties of Fullerene Molecules
    • Tang, M. L., Academic Staff Fellowship Programme, HK$15,000, Jul - Aug 2006
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$557,690, 1 September 2006 - 31 August 2009
      Gradient Stability and Large Time Stepping Methods for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
    • Tong, C. S., GRF HK$250,000, 1 January 2007 - 31 December 2009
      Image Retrieval System based on Wavelet, Fractal, and Spatial Statistics


on or before 2005
  • 2005
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HK$231,000, September 2005 - August 2008
      Spatial competition processes
    • Lam, P. C. B., GRF HK$308,000, September 2005 - August 2007
      On Problems Related to Steinberg's Conjecture
    • Ng, M., GRF HK$231,000, September 2005 - August 2008
      Efficient minimization methods of mixed l1-l1 and l2-l1 norms for image restoration
    • Zhu, L. X., GRF HK$231,000, January 2006 - December 2007
      Asymptotics for slicing estimator of sliced average variance estimation

  • 2004
    • Fang, K. T., GRF HK$233,000, August 2004 - July 2006
      Majorization Framework for Factorial, Supersaturated and Uniform Designs
    • Hickernell, F. J., GRF HK$318,000, September 2004 - August 2007
      Algorithms and Tractability for Multivariate Approximation
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF HK$233,000, September 2004 - August 2007
      Continuous Methods for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
    • Tong, C. S., GRF HK$318,000, September 2004 - August 2007
      Image Characterization Based on a Hybrid Wavelet-fractal Approach

  • 2003
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HK$411,000, January 2004 - December 2006
      A New Graph Related to the Locations of Nearest Neighbours of Points in a Spatial Point Process
    • Fang, K. T., GRF HK$26,600, September 2003 - (GER/JRS/03-04/01)
      Efficient generation of low discrepancy point sets and their applications in experimental design and time series simulation
    • Hickernell, F. J., GRF HK$486,000, September 2003 - August 2006
      Construction of Low Discrepancy Sequences
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$300,000, September 2003 - August 2006
      Resolving Spike Dynamics for Reaction-Diffusion Systems
    • Wu, X. N., GRF HK$300,000, October 2003 - September 2006
      Finite Difference Method for Some Parabolic and Elliptic Problems in Unbounded Domains

  • 2002
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HK$350,000, January 2003 - December 2004
      Statistical Analysis for Spatial Point Patterns
    • Fang, K. T., GRF HK$300,000, August 2002 - July 2004
      The Usefulness of Uniformity in Experimental Designs and Construction of Uniform Designs with Large Size
    • Hickernell, F. J., GRF HK$564,000, September 2002 - August 2005
      Higher Accuracy Methods for Multidimensional Quadrature
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF HK$325,000, September 2002 - August 2005
      Neurodynamic Approach for Optimization
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$465,000, September 2002 - August 2005
      Numerical Solutions for Hamilton-Jicobian Equations
    • Xue, W. M., GRF HK$350,000, September 2002 - August 2004
      Analytical and Numerical Study on Discrete Soliton Systems

  • 2001
    • Tang, T. and Liao, L. Z., GRF HK$600,235, September 2001 - August 2004
      Computational Fluid Dynamics with Mesh Adaptivity
    • Tang, T. and Xue, W. M., Teaching Development Grant, January - December 2001
      On Line Teaching for Part-time MSc Students

  • 2000
    • Chiu, S. N., UK/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, £6000, April 2000 - March 2001
      Point processes modelling of neuronal activation
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$287,817, 2000 - 2002
      Adaptive Mesh Methods for Partial Differential Equations
    • Wei, G., GRF HK$287,817, August 2000 - August 2002
      Point Processes Embedded in Interacting Population / Diffusion Networks
    • Wu, X. N., GRF HK$287,817, October 2000 - September 2003,
      Using of Artificial Boundary Conditions in Option Pricing

  • 1999
    • Chiu, S. N. et al., HSRC Grant, HK$762,838, March 1999 - February 2001
      Development of a Cantonese basic speech perception test for hearing-impaired children and children with minimal language ability -- validity and reliability
    • Fang, K. T. and Hickernell, F. J., GRF HK$331,000, August 1999 - December 2001
      Connections Among Orthogonal, Optimal and Uniform Designs
    • Hickernell, F. J., GRF HK$405,000, September 1999 - August 2002
      The Computational Complexity of Multidimensional Quadrature
    • Liao, L. Z., GRF HK$596,000, November 1999 - October 2001
      Multiobjective Differential Dynamic Programming
    • Tang, T., GRF HK$630,000, 1999 - 2002
      Approximate Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
    • Tang, T. and Xue, W. M., Teaching Development Grant, HK$62,000, July - December 1999
      Web-Page Development for MSc Course in Scientific Computing

  • 1998
    • Chiu, S. N., GRF HK$415,000, January 1999 - December 2000
      Random Birth-growth Processes and the Resultant Space-filling Structures
    • Wu, X. N., GRF HK$38,0000, September 1998 - August 2001
      Discrete Boundary Condition and its Application to Engineering Problems with Singularities

  • 1997
    • Fang, K. T. and Hickernell, F. J., GRF HK$435,600, 1997 - 1998
      The Robustness and Efficiency of Experimental Designs for Complex Systems - A Study of the Uniform Design
    • Lam, P. C. B., Shiu, W. C. and Tong, C. S., GRF HK$435,600, September 1997 - August 1999
      Colouring Problems in Graph Theory


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