Home > Events > Café Mathématique
Café Mathématique: Orientation
12 September 2023
Café Mathématique: Recent development of learning PDEs with Neural Network and Neural Operator
14 February 2023
Café Mathématique: Introduce the usage of free Datacamp's licenses
22 November 2022
Café Mathématique: Creating Alpha with Machine Learning -- some examples
14 September 2022
Café Mathématique: Orientation
13 September 2022
Introduction Talk - New Concentration and Other Learning Opportunities
29 March 2022
Café Mathématique: sushi party
23 November 2021
Café Mathématique: Orientation and Afternoon Tea
14 September 2021
Café Mathématique: Career Talk by Math Alumni: Ms. June Pun -- teaching mathematics in secondary schools
24 March 2021
Café Mathématique: Orientation
15 September 2020
Café Mathématique: Orientation & Welcoming Dinner
10 September 2019
Café Mathématique: Sharing by Math Alumni :- Ms. Chu Wing Suet -- teaching in secondary school
15 March 2019
Café Mathématique: Sharing by Math Alumni :- Wesley -- math. and stat. in advertising / Karen -- entrepreneurship and job seeking
11 March 2019
Café Mathématique Special: A Talk by Mike McCourt, SigOpt
06 November 2018
Café Mathématique: know more about the Metropolitan Attachment Programme (MAP) and celebrate with our Outstanding Academic Performance Award winners
16 October 2018
Café Mathématique: Orientation & Welcoming Dinner
11 September 2018
Café Mathématique: An Introduction to Intern Opportunities
23 April 2018
Café Mathématique Special: A talk on actuarial careers by Mark Heller, Senior Lecturer in Actuarial Science, University of Kent
26 March 2018
Café Mathématique: a sharing by our alumnus Charles Cheung, ASTRI
1 March 2018
Café Mathématique: know more about the Metropolitan Attachment Programme (MAP) and celebrate with our Outstanding Academic Performance Award winners
21 November 2017
Café Mathématique: get a hint of what to expect in the coming years
12 September 2017
Café Mathématique: some intern opportunities
14 March 2017
Café Mathématique Specials: A talk by Mr. CHAN Pak-wai, Hong Kong Observatory
25 November 2016
Café Mathématique: Getting to Know Actuarial Statistics
24 November 2016
Café Mathématique: An Introduction to Data Science for Job Seekers Aaron Zhang, Data Scientist of Cathay Pacific
2 November 2016
Café Mathématique: get a hint of what to expect in the coming years
10 September 2016
Café Mathématique: An Introduction to Intern Opportunities
10 March 2016
Café Mathématique: An Introduction to Trading and Banking for Job Seekers Cyrus Yeung, Trader of HSBC
28 January 2016
Café Mathématique: celebrate with our Outstanding Academic Performance Award winners
10 November 2015
Café Mathématique: get a hint of what to expect in the coming years
1 September 2015
Café Mathématique: An Introduction to London Metal Exchange Trading & Advice to Job Seekers (Link from HKBU Sci Alumni)
31 March 2015
Café Mathématique: Get a hint of what to expect next year
27 March 2015

BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics

The programme is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical and statistical concepts with an aim towards developing logical thinking and analytical skills.

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Conferences and Workshops

We organize conferences and workshops every year. Hope we can see you in future.

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Students Activities

Every year we have organized different activities for students.

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