Internship/Job Practicum

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Coordinator: Dr. P.W. Choi

The department would provide students with internship opportunities in the summer, and organises various recruitment talks. The objective is to enhance students competitiveness for future employment, and to build a channel through which they can reach their potential employers. Students will work in an organization or a company as interns and complete work assignment that are primarily related to their major study.

The internship is credit bearing, and hence students earn academic credits after satisfactorily completing internship at an approved company or organization. The Census & Statistics Department of the government, iMusicTech Ltd., Convoy Financial Services, and Maxim's have previously offered intern positions to our students.


Position-offering Companies / Available Projects

Activity: HSBC Hong Kong Actuarial Career Session for Full time in HSBC during July-December 2023
Date: 2 March 2023, Thursday
Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm HKT
Location: Virtual
Brief introduction: PDF
More info.:

Activity: 2023 internship of iTalent
Brief introduction: PDF
Apply link:

Activity: Summer 2023 Teaching and Community Service Opportunity
Introduction to Summerbridge (URL:
The Student Teacher Experience and apply (URL:

Company: Koi Investment Partners International
Detail: PDF

Company: Hannover Re Hong Kong Branch
Detail: PDF
Company's website:

Title: 大灣區暑期雲實習計劃2022暨【60秒求職擂台】
Detail: PNG 1, PDF 2, PDF 3

Company website:
For more details of internship (and graduate opportunities):

Company: Brandnographer Co. Limited
Activity type: Internship
Details: PDF
Company's partnership guidebook: PDF
Apply here:
Company's website:

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